Images courtesy of The University of St Andrews Collections
St. Margaret's Parish Church was founded in 1953, the oldest church in the new town.
The congregation first met in local halls, including Carleton Primary School, before moving into the present church building in Woodside Road in 1954.
The main hall was a dual-purpose hall-church. Chairs could be set out facing the chancel end or the "church" could be converted into a hall by sliding the pulpit back and closing off the chancel with wrought-iron gates. If required the chairs could face the stage at the opposite end.
In these early days of the church and town, St. Margaret's was very much at the centre of the community as there was little else in the town. The large numbers involved, especially children, led to the building of the Self Help Hall in 1956 - a hall built by voluntary labour.
In the 1960s the New Halls were added giving a very adaptable hall with alcoves and a larger kitchen.
To mark the 25th anniversary of the church, the Glenrothes Development Corporation presented us with a stained glass window in the shape of a cross (see the top of this page). This is behind the chancel and is a central focus in the church (see at the top of this page). The window and other most memorial windows were designed by local artist John Blyth although another window by Alan Potter was in 2002.
The church is also brightened by a range of beautiful and meaningful banners made by our own members.
Recently we have seen the development of the Lounge in memory of a former parish assistant, Ben Mills. This room used for prayer and study, committees and small services features a hand made communion table and a wall-hanging designed by Claire Hemmingsley based on the cross window.
In the 1970’s outreach services began in Pitteuchar meeting in the hall known as the Tenants Meeting Room in Altyre Court. In their early days this also included a Sunday School. The Pitteuchar services ended in June 2013
During this time the church has been served by six ministers:
Rev Maurice King (1953-1963)
Rev Wally Shaw (1964-1976)
Rev Ian McCree (1977-1987)
Rev Bill Abernethy (1988-1993)
Rev John McLean (1994- 2013)
Rev Eileen Miller (2014 - 2021)
Archive Newsreel (BBC Archives)